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Over $100

Returns & Exchanges

Return Policy
We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase from Love Is Love Boutique Greeting Cards or any of our greeting products. Our 5-Star Guarantee means that we’re committed to providing you with the most delightful shopping experience possible. You can feel secure and confident shopping on Wish.

How does the return policy work?

To start a return, the button below will direct you to your Order History page. From there, simply choose the relevant item(s) and click on ‘Customer Support’ to communicate directly with our customer service team.

View Order History

  • You may return any order within seven (7) days of delivery if you received an incorrect product/order or a damaged product.

  • Our customer service team strives to respond to all requests within 72 hours or less. We’re always available to help!

  • Once an order has been placed, if you change your mind, you may cancel your order within the Order History section before it’s been shipped.

  • After an item has shipped, if you’re unsatisfied for any reason, you can always contact us for further assistance.

How will I receive my refund?

  • Refunds are processed back to the original payment method used to purchase the order.

  • Typically, you can expect your payment provider to credit you for your refund within 15-30 business days. If you are having trouble locating your refund, we recommend contacting your payment provider for further assistance.

  • All returned items must be returned in the same condition as they were received.

  • Shipping costs are not refunded for returned items. All refunded items must be returned within 7-10 business days.

  • All promo codes are valid as a one-time use only. We unfortunately cannot credit promo codes back to your account once they’ve been used.

  • Love is Love Boutique Greeting Cards does not provide reimbursement for costs related to return shipping, customs fees, taxes, postal fees or VAT related costs.

How are my promotions applied?

  • Promotions, sales and promo codes are limited time offers and valid based on the terms of the offer. Promotions are not reissued once they have expired.